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Is Underfloor Heating Worth It?

The allure of underfloor heating (UFH) in British homes has grown significantly in recent years. As homeowners seek efficient and comfortable heating solutions, UFH emerges as a strong option. But is it truly worth the investment? In this exploration, we’ll delve into the pros and cons of underfloor heating, and also discuss the role of EWI Pro Self Levelling Compound (EWI-250) in ensuring a smooth and efficient UFH installation.

Types of underfloor heating

Electric Underfloor Heating (Dry system)

Electric underfloor heating uses electric wires or heating mats placed directly under the floor surface. These systems are particularly popular in retrofitting projects due to their ease of installation. They require minimal disruption to the existing floor structure, making them ideal for renovations or updates in older homes where significant structural changes are not feasible. Electric systems heat up quickly, providing a rapid response to cold temperatures. They are often controlled by a dedicated thermostat, allowing for precise temperature control room by room. This system is especially suitable for smaller areas or rooms where installing a wet system may not be practical.

The flexibility of electric underfloor heating also means it can be installed under a variety of flooring types, including tile, stone, laminate, and even carpet, provided the carpet’s thermal resistance is not too high. However, it’s important to note that while the installation costs are generally lower compared to wet systems, the running costs can be higher due to the price of electricity. Therefore, they’re often recommended for use in conjunction with a primary heating source.

Water Underfloor Heating (Wet system)

The water-based, or wet underfloor heating system, operates by circulating warm water through pipes laid under the floor. This system is often integrated into the home’s central heating system and is typically powered by a boiler or a heat pump. The installation of a wet system is more complex and intrusive than its electric counterpart, making it better suited for new constructions or major renovations where the floor can be designed to accommodate the system.

One of the key advantages of a wet underfloor heating system is its efficiency. It generally operates at a lower temperature than radiators but effectively heats the space, leading to reduced energy consumption and lower heating bills in the long run. This makes it an eco-friendly and cost-effective option, especially in larger spaces or entire homes. Additionally, because the heat source is spread across a larger area, it provides a very even and comfortable heat distribution.

A wet system can also be a more versatile choice in terms of energy sources. It can be connected not only to a traditional gas boiler but also to renewable energy sources such as solar thermal panels or air-source heat pumps. This adaptability makes it an attractive option for those looking to reduce their carbon footprint and embrace sustainable living practices.

Advantages of UFH

Improved energy efficiency

One of the most significant benefits of underfloor heating is its energy efficiency. These systems operate at a lower temperature compared to traditional radiators but still provide a comfortable level of warmth. This is because the heat is spread more evenly across a large surface area, allowing the room to warm up more efficiently. In the case of water-based systems, the large surface area means that water doesn’t need to be heated to as high a temperature as in radiators, leading to reduced energy use and, consequently, lower heating bills. Electric systems, while generally more expensive to run, can still be energy-efficient, especially when used in well-insulated rooms or for short periods.

Even, comfortable heat distribution

Underfloor heating distributes heat uniformly across the entire floor area, which then radiates upwards and spreads evenly throughout the room. This eliminates the cold spots and fluctuations in temperature common with traditional heating methods like radiators. The consistent heat distribution ensures a comfortable environment, as the warmth is felt directly underfoot and rises naturally throughout the space.

Space-saving and aesthetic benefits

Without the need for bulky radiators, underfloor heating provides a sleek and uncluttered look, giving you more freedom in designing and utilising your living space. This system is entirely hidden from view, offering a clean aesthetic that is particularly appealing in modern, minimalist homes. It opens up wall space, allowing for more flexibility in interior design and room layout, and is especially beneficial in smaller rooms where space is at a premium.

Health and hygiene advantages

UFH is also a healthier heating option. Radiators often create convection currents that circulate dust particles around the room, which can be problematic for those with allergies or respiratory issues. In contrast, underfloor heating reduces air movement and the circulation of allergens, contributing to a healthier indoor environment. Additionally, the warmth provided by UFH reduces the dampness and condensation that can lead to mould growth, ensuring a healthier living space.

Longevity and low maintenance

Underfloor heating systems are known for their durability and require minimal maintenance once installed. This is particularly true for water-based systems, which are often integrated into a home’s overall heating system. With fewer moving parts than traditional heating systems, the risk of breakdowns is significantly lower, ensuring a longer lifespan and less frequent need for repairs.

Enhanced comfort

The comfort provided by underfloor heating is unparalleled. The sensation of warmth underfoot, especially in typically cold areas like bathrooms and kitchens, adds a touch of luxury and comfort that is highly valued, especially in colder months.

Disadvantages of UFH

Higher initial installation costs

One of the main disadvantages of UFH, particularly the water-based systems, is the higher initial cost of installation. This is due to the complexity of installing the pipes or electric mats under the floor, which can be labour-intensive and time-consuming, especially in retrofit projects. The cost can be even higher if existing floors need to be raised or replaced to accommodate the system. In comparison, traditional heating systems like radiators are typically less expensive and quicker to install.

Installation complexity and time

The installation process for UFH can be disruptive, particularly for water-based systems. It often involves significant alterations to the floor structure, which can be a lengthy process, especially in existing homes. This may include removing floor coverings, excavating existing floors, and potentially adjusting door heights and other fittings to accommodate the new floor height. For those looking for a quick and easy heating solution, this level of disruption can be a major drawback.

Response time

Underfloor heating systems, especially water-based types, generally have a slower response time compared to traditional radiators. This means that it takes longer for the room to heat up after the system is turned on. While this isn’t an issue in homes where the heating is kept at a consistent temperature, it can be less convenient in spaces that require quick temperature changes or where heating is only needed occasionally.

Compatibility with floor finishes

Not all floor finishes are suitable for use with underfloor heating. While many popular choices like tile and stone work well due to their good thermal conductivity, other materials like certain types of wood or carpet can be problematic. These materials can act as insulators, hindering the efficient transfer of heat into the room, and in some cases, may be damaged by the heat. It’s important to carefully consider your choice of flooring and ensure it is compatible with UFH to maximise efficiency and avoid potential issues.

Potential for uneven heating

While one of the advantages of UFH is even heat distribution, improper installation or incorrect system design can lead to uneven heating. This can result in hot or cold spots on the floor, reducing the overall efficiency and comfort of the system. Ensuring a professional and well-planned installation is crucial to avoid this issue.

Repair and maintenance considerations

Although UFH systems are generally low maintenance, any repairs that are needed can be more difficult and expensive than with traditional heating systems. For example, if a leak occurs in a water-based system or an electrical fault in an electric system, accessing the pipes or cables under the floor can be challenging and may require significant disruption to the floor covering.

Using self-levelling compound for underfloor heating

  1. Creates an Even Surface: One of the primary roles of the self-levelling compound is to create a smooth, even surface over the heating system. This is crucial for ensuring consistent heat distribution across the entire floor area.
  2. Protects the Heating Elements: In electric UFH systems, the self-levelling compound encases and protects the heating wires or mats, preventing potential damage from foot traffic or when laying the final floor covering.
  3. Improves Heat Conductivity: A level layer of compound helps in the efficient transfer of heat from the system to the floor surface. It eliminates air pockets or gaps that can act as insulators, ensuring the heat is distributed evenly and effectively.
  4. Prepares for Final Flooring: It provides a suitable base for laying the final floor covering, whether it’s tiles, wood, laminate, or carpet. A well-prepared base is essential for the longevity and appearance of your flooring.

The Ultimate Leveller is a self-levelling compound used for internal flooring and is suitable for floors in homes, offices, public buildings and places exposed to similar loads. This product is very easy to utilise and ideal for basic surface levelling including cement, concrete, load-bearing anhydrite screed, and more.


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